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Structrure and properties of non-woven composite materials based on polycarbonate and vinylidene
fluoride-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer produced
by two-nozzle electrospinning method:
a pilot study

E. N. Bolbasov, V. M. Bouznik, K. S. Stankevich, S. I. Goreninskii,
Y. N. Ivanov, A. A. Kondrasenko, V. I. Gryaznov, A. N. Matsulev,
S. I. Tverdokhlebov

Non-woven composite membranes made of polycarbonate and vinylidene fluoride-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer were produced using two-nozzle electrospinning technique with common collector. Structure of the composite and its components is investigated. Composite structure of the produced membrane allows controlling square of pores in the obtained material depenting on requirements. By means of NMR- and IR-spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry the presence of electrically active crystal phases was confirmed. It was demonstrated that produced composite membrane is presented as double system with absence of interphase chemical interactions.

Keywords: two-nozzle electrospinning, non-woven composite materials, vinylidene fluoride/tetrafluoroethylene copolymer, polycarbonate, fluoropolymers

Bolbasov Evgeny — National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (634050, Tomsk, LeninAvenue, 30) engineer, Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Experimental Physics, specialist in polymer fibers production. E-mail:

Bouznik Vyacheslav — All-russian scientific research institute of aviation materials (VIAM, 105005, Moscow, Radio St., 17), head of the laboratory Materials for Arctic climate, academician of RAS, Dr.Sci. (chem), specialist in the field of obtaining and studying fluoropolymer materials, specialist in NMR spectroscopy. E-mail:

Stankevich Ksenia — National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (634050, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 30), engineer, Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Experimental Physics, specialist in polymer materials technology. E-mail:

Goreninskii Semen — National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (634050, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 30), PhD student, Institute of High Technology Physics, Department of Biotechnology and organic chemistry, specialist in polymer materials technology. E-mail:

Ivanov Yury — Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS (660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok street, 50-38), senior researcher, Ph.D. (phys-math), specialist in NMR spectroscopy. E-mail:

Kondrasenko Alexander — Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS (660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok, 50/24), PhD (eng), senior researcher, specialist in NMR spectroscopy. E-mail:

Gryaznov Vladimir — OJSC SPE “Temp” (127015, Pravdy st., 23) lead specialist, specialist in the field of material science of polymers. E-mail:

Matsulev Alexander — Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, Federal Research Center Krasnoyarsk Science Center SB RAS (660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok, 50/24), researcher. E-mail:; Kirensky Institute of Physics, Federal Research Center KSC SB RAS (660036, Krasnoyarsk, Akademgorodok street, 50-38), researcher. Specialist in NMR spectroscopy. E-mail:

Tverdokhlebov Sergei — National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (634050, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 30), PhD (Phys-Math), Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Experimental Physics, specialist in development of composite materials. E-mail: tverd@tpu.RU.

Reference citing

Bolbasov E. N., Bouznik V. M., Stankevich K. S., Goreninskii S. I., Ivanov Y. N.,
Kondrasenko A. A., Gryaznov V. I., Matsulev A. N., Tverdokhlebov S. I. Kompozicionnye materialy, sformirovannye metodom dvukanal'nogo ehlektroformovaniya iz polikarbonata i sopolimera vinilidenftorida s tetraftorehtilenom [Structrure and properties of non-woven composite materials based on polycarbonate and vinylidene fluoride-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer produced by two-nozzle electrospinning method: a pilot study]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 10, pp. 5 – 17.

Study of the microctructure and physico-mechanical properties  of layered composite materials based
on molybdenum matrix

A. N. Bolshakova, I. Yu. Efimochkin, A. P. Bobrovsky

This article discusses a method of obtaining, study of the microstructure and physico-mechanical properties of laminated metal composites materials (layered ΜCM) based on a molybdenum matrix. The layers used for this purpose are molybdenum foil of thickness 0.25  mm, and metal composite powder, on the here of a molybdenum matrix, alloyed with silicon and boron. Metal composite powder based on a molybdenum matrix obtained by high-energy mechanochemical synthesis. Layered metal composite material obtained by compaction of molybdenum foil and a metal composite powder based on molybdenum by spark plasma sintering. The study of the microstructure of the samples layered MCM after the heat treatment showed that the material after exposure to plasma flow maintains the layered structure, which indicates the high thermal stability of the composite material. Conducting physical and mechanical tests of laminated ΜCM allowed us to make conclusions about the completeness of the consolidation of the composite metal materials by spark plasma sintering. Developed layered ΜCM on the basis of molybdenum matrix is intended for use in assemblies and parts aircraft aircraft and space applications.

Keywords: metal matrix composites, layered composite materials, mechanical alloying, powder metallurgy, SPS-technology.

Bolshakova Aleksandra — Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials” (17, Radio Street, Moscow, 105005, The Russian Federation), PhD (Chemical), laboratory deputy chief, specialist in powder metallurgy. E-mail:

Efimochkin Ivan — Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials” (17, Radio Street, Moscow, 105005, The Russian Federation), laboratory chief, specialist in powder metallurgy. E-mail:

Bobrovskiy Andrey — Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials” (17, Radio Street, Moscow, 105005, The Russian Federation), engineer, specialist in powder metallurgy. E-mail:

Reference citing

Bolshakova A. N., Efimochkin I. Yu., Bobrovsky A. P. Issledovanie mikrostruktury i fiziko-mekhanicheskih harakteristik sloistyh metallicheskih kompozicionnyh materialov na osnove molibdenovoj matricy [Study of the microctructure and physico-mechanical properties of layered composite materials based on molybdenum matrix]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 10, pp. 18 – 23.

Properties of La-Sr manganites with combined substitution
of different valence ions for strontium and manganese

V. K. Karpasyuk, A. G. Badelin, Z. R. Datskaya, D. I. Merkulov, S. Kh. Estemirova

Experimental data on structural, magnetic and electrical features of manganites of the system La0.65Sr0.35-cCecMn1-xZnxO3+γ (c = 0; 0.05; x = 0; 0.05; 0.10), synthesized by ceramic processing, are reported. A part of the samples were annealed under conditions that yield stoichiometric oxygen content. The samples obtained are of rhombohedral structure, but contain the impurity of CeO2 phase. The introduction of cerium and zinc leads to decrease in the unit cell volume of rhombohedral phase. Cerium does not essentially affect the magnetization and Curie point of the initial samples. The width of “ferromagnetic-paramagnetic” transition temperature interval rises after annealing, especially in manganite with high zinc content. Initial and annealed samples of composition with c = 0.05; x = 0.10 exhibit phase transition “metal-semiconductor” at temperatures of about 219 K and 200 K, respectively. All other manganites possess a metallic character of conductivity in the 100 – 300 K range. The maximum absolute value of magnetoresistance reaches 52%. The approaches to the interpretation of experimental results are discussed.

Keywords: manganites, cerium, zinc, unit cell, magnetization, Curie point, metal-semiconductor transition, magnetoresistance, variable valence ions.

Karpasyuk Vladimir — Astrakhan State University (20a Tatishchev Str., Astrakhan, 414056, Russia), Dr.Sci. (Phys-Math), professor, Director and Scientific Head of the Centre for functional magnetic materials, specialist in the field of the physics of magnetic materials, semiconductors and dielectrics. E-mail:

Badelin Alexey — Astrakhan State University (20a Tatishchev Str., Astrakhan, 414056, Russia), Junior Researcher, specialist in the condensed matter physics and ceramic processing. E-mail:

Datskaya Zamira — Astrakhan State University (20a Tatishchev Str., Astrakhan, 414056, Russia), Ph.D. (Phys-Math), senior researcher, specialist in the field of materials science and condensed matter physics. E-mail:

Merkulov Denis — Astrakhan State University (20a Tatishchev Str., Astrakhan, 414056, Russia), Ph.D. (Phys-Math), Head of Laboratory, specialist in the field of condensed matter physics, materials science for semiconductors and dielectrics. E-mail:

Estemirova Svetlana — Institute of metallurgy, Ural Division of RAS (101 Amundsen Str., Ekaterinburg, 620016, Russia), Ph.D. (Chemistry), Senior Researcher, specialist in condensed matter chemistry and X-ray structural analysis.  E-mail: esveta100@mail.RU.

Reference citing

Karpasyuk V. K., Badelin A. G., Datskaya Z. R., Merkulov D. I., Estemirova S. Kh. Svojstva La – Sr manganitov s kombinirovannym zameshcheniem stronciya i marganca raznovalentnymi ionami [Properties of La-Sr manganites with combined substitution of different valence ions for strontium and manganese]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 10, pp. 24 – 32.

Injection method of investigation of dielectric films of MIS structures under stress and measuring modes

V. V. Andreev, G. G. Bondarenko, D. M. Akhmelkin, A. V. Romanov

One develops the injection method of investigation of MIS structure dielectric films at stress and measurement modes under high-field injection of electrons taking into account processes of charging of the structure capacitance and charge capturing in the gate dielectric of MIS structures, which are under injection mode. The paper shows that at high densities of the injection current the monitoring of characteristics of the charge, accumulated in the gate dielectric, should be implemented by changing of voltage across MIS structure at amplitude of injection current much lower than amplitude of stress current. In order to raise performance of the method and have a possibility to observe fast relaxing charges accumulated in the gate dielectric during process of the high-field stress, we propose to implement the charging and discharging of MIS structure capacitance in accelerated mode at densities of current higher than density of measurement current.

Key words: MIS-structure, dielectric film, high-field, injection current, test.

Andreev Vladimir — Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga, 248000, Bazhenov str., 2), DrSci (Eng), professor, specialist in physics of semiconductors and dielectrics. E-mail:

Bondarenko Gennady — National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, 101000, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 20), DrSci (Phys-Math), professor, head of a laboratory, specialist in condensed matter physics and radiation solid-state physics. E-mail:

Akhmelkin Dmitriy — Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga, 248000, Bazhenov str., 2), post-graduate student, specialist in physics of semiconductors and dielectrics. E-mail:

Romanov Andrey — Kaluga branch of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga, 248000, Bazhenov str., 2), post-graduate student, specialist in physics of semiconductors and dielectrics. E-mail: tankerpoint@freemail.RU.

Reference citing

Andreev V. V., Bondarenko G. G., Akhmelkin D. M., Romanov A. V. Inzhekcionnyj metod issledovaniya diehlektricheskih plenok MDP-struktur pri stressovyh i izmeritel'nyh rezhimah [Injection method of investigation of dielectric films of MIS structures under stress and measuring modes]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 10, pp. 33 – 40.

Magnetic hysteresis properties of magnetically hard alloys
Fe – 30 Cr – 20 Co, Fe – 30 Cr – 20 Co – 2 Mo,
Fe – 30 Cr – 20 Co – 2 W

M. I. Alymov, I. M. Milyaev, A. B. Ankudinov, V. A. Zelensky,
V. S. Yusupov, A. I. Milyaev, S. I. Stelmashok

Studying of magnetic hysteresis properties of the powder hard magnetic alloys of Fe – Cr – Co system with the raised content of chrome and cobalt alloyed by molybdenum and tungsten, statistics methods with use of the “Statistica” and “Statgraphics” programs for the purpose of research of hard magnetic alloys with the increased values of coercive force is carried out. At production of powder mixes used elementary powders of initial metals of industrial purity (carbonyl iron, chrome, cobalt, molybdenum and tungsten) with a size of particles less than 40 microns. Mixture of elementary powders was carried out in the turbulent mixer within 80 minutes. Pressing of charges carry out on a manual press in a sectional matrix with a diameter of 13,6 mm under pressure of 600 MPas. Sintering of samples was carried out in the blast vacuum furnace in vacuum not worse by 10–2 Pas at a temperature of 1420 °C within 2.5 hours. Magnetic hysteresis properties measured on a histerezisgraf of “Permagraph L”. On a powder anisotropic hard magnetic alloy Fe – 30 Cr – 20 Co values of coercive force of HcB of 53 – 54 kA/m at values of residual induction of Br of 1.02 – 1.04 T, the maximum energy product (BH)max of 29 – 30 kJ/m3 are received. On a powder anisotropic hard magnetic alloy Fe – 30 Cr – 20 Co – 2 Mo values of HcB 64 – 66 kA/m at Br of 0.92 – 0.965 T and (BH)max of 26.5 – 27.5 kJ/m3 are received. On a powder anisotropic hard magnetic alloy Fe – 30 Cr – 20 Co – 2 W values of HcB 63 – 64 kA/m at Br of 0.92 – 1.02 T and (BH)max of 27.5 – 32 kJ/m3 are received. For all three studied alloys the regression equations for Br, HcB and (BH)max adequately describing change of magnetic hysteresis properties within a variation of parameters carrying out heat treatment are received.

Keywords: powder alloys, permanent magnets, magnetic properties, hysteresis, coercive force, residual induction, maximum energy product, milling, sintering, regression equation.

Alymov Mikhail — Institute of Macrokinetics and Problems of Materials Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISMAN RAS, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, 142432, Russia, Academician Osipyan St., 8), Dr Sci (Eng), corresponding member of RAS, professor, director of institute, expert in the field of powder metallurgy and physical chemistry of a surface. E-mail:

Milyaev Igor — A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (IMET RAS, Moscow, 119334, Leninskiy Avenue, 49), Dr Sci (Eng), senior research associate, chief researcher, expert in the field of physics of metals and magnetic materials. E-mail:

Ankudinov Alexey — A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (IMET RAS, Moscow, 119334, Leninskiy Avenue, 49), research associate, expert in the field of powder metallurgy. E-mail:

Zelensky Victor — A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS (IMET RAS, Moscow, 119334, Leninskiy Avenue, 49), PhD (phys-math), leading, expert in the field of powder metallurgy and technology of receiving ultra disperse powders. E-mail:

Yusupov Vladimir — A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS
(IMET RAS, Moscow, 119334, Leninskiy Avenue, 49), Dr Sci (Eng), head of laboratory, expert in the field of technologies of processing of metals pressure. E-mail:

Milyaev Alexander — A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS
(IMET RAS, Moscow, 119334, Leninskiy Avenue, 49), PhD (eng), senior research, expert in the field of electrometallurgy. E-mail:

Stelmashok Sergey — A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Science RAS
(IMET RAS, Moscow, 119334, Leninskiy Avenue, 49), graduate student, expert in the field of machining of metals and magnetic materials. E-mail:


Reference citing

Alymov M. I., Milyaev I. M., Ankudinov A. B., Zelensky V. A.,
Yusupov V. S., Milyaev A. I., Stelmashok S. I. Magnitnye gisterezisnye svojstva magnitotvyordyh splavov 30H20K, 30H20K2M i 30H20K2V [Magnetic hysteresis properties of magnetically hard alloys Fe – 30 Cr – 20 Co, Fe – 30 Cr – 20 Co – 2 Mo, Fe – 30 Cr – 20 Co – 2 W]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 10, pp. 41 – 51.

Effect of copper content on structure
and phase transformations
in melt-spin TiNi – TiCu alloys

N. N. Sitnikov, A. V. Shelyakov, I. A. Khabibullina,
N. A. Mitina, N. N. Resnina

The thin ribbons 30 – 50 μm thick of the Ti50Ni50 – xCux (x = 25; 26; 28; 30; 32;3 4; 36; 38 at. %) alloy were produced by the melt-spinning technique at a cooling rate of approximately 106 K/s. It has been revealed that at the content of copper 25 and 26 at.% alloys are in the amorphous-crystalline state, while at the content of copper above 26 at.% alloys are in the amorphous state. It has been shown, that isothermal crystallization of alloys with the copper content from 25 to 32 at.% leads to formation of single-phase structure of B2, which when cooling transforming into the martensite phase B19.Noticeable decrease in characteristic temperatures of martensitic transformation at increase in content of copper is revealed. In alloys with the content of copper more than 32 ат. the % after crystallization two-phase structure of B2+B11 is formed, at the same time B11-phase (TiCu) substantially prevents B19↔B2 transformation in the alloy with 34 at.% copper, and in the alloys with 36 and 38 at.% copper blocks all structural transformations.

Keywords: melt-spinning technique, amorphous state, amorphous-crystalline state, martensitic transformation, alloys with shape memory effect.

Sitnikov Nikolay — M.V. Keldysh Research Center (Onezhskaya St., 8, Moscow, RF, 125438); National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe shosse 31, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115409), PhD (eng), senior research fellow, specialist in nanotechnology and materials with shape memory effect. E-mail:

Shelyakov Alexander — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe shosse 31, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115409), PhD (Phys-Math), assistant professor, specialist in materials with a shape memory effect. E-mail:

Khabibullina Irina — M.V. Keldysh Research Center (Onezhskaya St., 8, Moscow, RF, 125438), engineer 3 category, specialist in the field of nanotechnology. E-mail:

Mitina Natalia — M.V. Keldysh Research Center (Onezhskaya St., 8, Moscow, RF, 125438); National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Kashirskoe shosse 31, Moscow, Russian Federation, 115409), PhD (eng), senior research fellow, specialist in the field of nanotechnology. E-mail:

Resnina Natalia — Saint-Petersburg State University (Universitetskaya nab.7-9,
Saint-Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation), Dr Sci (phys-math), assistant professor, specialist in materials with a shape memory effect. E-mail:

Reference citing

Sitnikov N. N., Shelyakov A. V., Khabibullina I. A., Mitina N. A., Resnina N. N. Vliyanie soderzhaniya medi na strukturu i fazovye prevrashcheniya v bystrozakal¸nnyh splavah sistemy TiNi – TiCu [Effect of copper content on structure and phase transformations in melt-spin TiNi – TiCu alloys]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 10, pp. 52 – 61.

Formation of structure and closed porosity
under high-temperature firing of porous glass-ceramic
granules material

A. S. Apkaryan, S. N. Kulkov

Based on broken glass, clay and organic additives granular insulating glass crystalline material and technology of its receipt is developed. The regularities of the effect of composition, firing temperature on the properties of the granules are specified. The resulting granular thermally insulating material is produced with a bulk density of 200 – 290 kg/m3, pellet strength 0,82 – 2,5 MPa , thermal conductivity 0,067 – 0,087 W/(m °C), water absorption 3,2 – 2.6 % by weight. The effect of the basic physical characteristics of the components of the charge on the process of pore formation is studied. According to the research rezults, the basic parameters affecting the sustainability of the swelling glass are specified. Rational charge composition, thermal and gas synthesis mode, are chosen so that the partial pressure of gases is below the surface tension of the melt. This enables the formation of granules with small closed pores and vitrified surface. The article results of studies on the use of materials for pipe insulation foamed glass ceramics heating mains.

Key words: Broken glass, wastes, foamed glass ceramic, charge, granular, synthesis, redox converter, chemical process.

Apkaryan Afanasy — Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPMS SB RAS, 2/4, pr. Akademicheskii, Tomsk, 634055, Russia); Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (40 Lenina Prospect, Tomsk, Russia 634050), PhD (eng), associate professor, specialist in thermal physics. E-mail:

Kulkov Sergey — Tomsk State University (36 Lenin Ave., Tomsk, Russia 634050); Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPMS SB RAS, 2/4, pr. Akademicheskii, Tomsk, 634055, Russia), DrSci (phys-math), specialist in physics, mathematics, ceramics and materials sciences. E-mail:

Reference citing

Apkaryan A. S., Kulkov S. N. Formirovanie struktury i zakrytoj poristosti v processe vysokotemperaturnogo obzhiga granul poristogo steklokeramicheskogo materiala
[Formation of structure and closed porosity under high-temperature firing
of porous glass-ceramic granules material]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 10, pp. 62 – 68.

Study by mossbauer spectroscopy
of iron oxides in ceramic brick on the basis
of inter-shale clay and iron slag waste

V. Z. Abdrakhimov, E. S. Abdrakhimova

Presence of increased content of iron oxides Fe2O3 ˃ 5 % in the waste of iron-containing slag allows to use them in the production of ceramic materials instead of traditional raw materials, which will ensure the disposal of part of the waste and produce ceramic bricks with increased strength. The nature of the reactions of ferrous compounds with redox processes occurring in samples containing high amount of iron oxide is established. It is shown that the reduction process is conducive to the recovery of Fe2+ and formation of mullite. Hematite and magnetite contribute to the formation of a liquid phase in the early stages of firing, which initiates the formation of mullite. Formation of solid solutions by partial substitution of Fe3+ on Al3+ leads to formation of mullite with different chemical composition, which contributes to strengthening the structure of the ceramic material.

Keywords: iron oxides, inter-shale clay, iron slag, method of MOSSBAUER spectroscopy, isomorphic substitution, mullite.

Abdrakhimov Vladimir — Samara State Economic University, (Russia, 443090, Samara, Soviet Army street, 141), professor, department of materials science and engineering, Dr Sci (eng), honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation, adviser of RAACS, specialist in physical and chemical processes during firing of ceramic materials based on industrial wastes. E-mail:

Abdrakhimov Elena — Samara National Research University (443086, Samara region, Samara, the Moscow highway, 34), PhD (eng), associate professor, Department of chemistry, specialist in chemical technology of ceramics and refractories. E-mail:

Reference citing

Abdrakhimov V. Z., Abdrakhimova E. S. Issledovaniya metodom yagr-spektroskopii oksidov zheleza v keramicheskom kirpiche na osnove mezhslancevoj gliny i zhelezosoderzhashchego shlaka TEHC [Study by mossbauer spectroscopy of iron oxides in ceramic brick on the basis of inter-shale clay and iron slag waste]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 10, pp. 69 – 76.

Structure organization of magnetic liquids stabilized
with fatty acids

S. N. Lysenko, K. V. Derechi, S.A. Astaf’eva, D. E. Yakusheva

Magnetic colloids existing in a non-flowing pasty form at room temperature and transforming into a liquid state upon heating have been first described. A number of magnetic fluids (MF) in a hydrocarbon medium have been prepared via the introduction of nanoscale magnetite into kerosene in the presence of stabilizers. Fatty acids with the different length of hydrocarbon skeleton — from С12 to С22 — were used as stabilizers. The average particle size determined by the magnetic granulometry method has been found to be 8.3 nm. The MF samples were studied by differential scanning calorimetry. Taking into account the nanoparticle and stabilizer geometry, calculations of the geometric parameters of the adsorption layers have been carried out. The models of the liquid and solid adsorption layers and the overlapping particle layers have been constructed. These models are based on the calorimetric measurements, the calculated data and observations of the MF phase state. For the particle size of ≈ 8 nm, the liquid — solid phase transition of the adsorption layer has been experimentally and theoretically proved to be possible at the length of the stabilizer hydrocarbon radical C14 and longer. The molecule length and melting point of the stabilizer have been found to be the main parameters determining the structure and properties of the MF. It has been shown, that the magnetic and Van der Waals interactions between the solid particles can be neglected if the stabilizer molecule length is C12 and longer.

Key words: magnetite nanoparticles, magnetic liquids, stabilizers, fatty acids, structure of adsorption layer, differential scanning calorimetry.

Lysenko Sergey — The Institute of Technical Chemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of sciences, Perm Federal research center of the Ural Branch of the RAS (Russia, 614013, Perm, Academician Korolyov st., 3), leading engineer, expert in the field of physical chemistry and material science. E-mail: уа.lysenko45@

Derechi Kseniya — Perm State National Research University, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Physical Chemistry (Russia, 614600, Perm, Bukirev st., 15), fifth-year student. E-mail:

Astaf’eva Svetlana — The Institute of Technical Chemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of sciences, Perm Federal research center of the Ural Branch of the RAS (Russia, 614013, Perm, Academician Korolyov st., 3), Ph. D. (eng), head of laboratory, expert in the field of  high molecular compounds chemistry and material science. E-mail:

Yakusheva Dina — The Institute of Technical Chemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of sciences, Perm Federal research center of the Ural Branch of the RAS (Russia, 614013, Perm, Academician Korolyov st., 3), Ph. D. (eng), expert in the field of organic chemistry and material science. E-mail:


Reference citing

Lysenko S. N., Derechi K. V., Astaf’eva S.A., Yakusheva D. E. Strukturnaya organizaciya magnitnyh zhidkostej, stabilizirovannyh zhirnymi kislotami [Structure organization of magnetic liquids stabilized with fatty acids]. Perspektivnye Materialy — Advanced Materials (in Russ), 2017, no. 10, pp. 77 – 88.

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